The Power of a Second Set of Eyes

Often when buying a new home, the builder will recommend his mortgage lender  for the loan as well as suggesting one of their agents, Either that or you don’t need any representation at all. Both of these options comes with a discount of sorts, so it seems to make sense to use the cheaper option. Well recently I came across a situation on a house I was working on selling. Contract was clean, the inspection was clean, but the appraisal came back almost 400 feet short. The 4200 square foot home I was selling was coming back at 3800 square feet on the appraisal. At first I thought this was going to be an easy fix. 400 feet is a big space, so the appraiser must have missed a room…
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Positive Spin

At least once a month, the Houston Association of Realtors (or HAR), sends out a number of market reports about the real estate market here in Houston. You may have read them directly from HAR, or you may have read it via the articles the news organizations put out based on those reports. The problem is that the Houston MLS is a big place. It reaches from Galveston to Huntsville (and beyond), and from Columbus to Beaumont. As the saying goes, real estate is local, and while Southeast Texas seems local, that’s an area bigger than some states. So while HAR says sales are up, that may not necessarily mean that sales are up where you live.   This year is a great example of this. While HAR feeds us…
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